Friday, June 4, 2010

30 Page Vacation Scrapbook Class

Thats right! You are reading the title correctly! I have decided leave my last month at the studio with a BANG!. I have brought back my very very popular and high on demand Scrapbook Class! :)
I must admit I havent had one in a while, but its here now!

This is a perfect class for those who have gone on a wonderful vacation and have gone shutter button crazy! If you have tons a pictures, why not scrapbook them instead of just throwing them into a plain album? In this class, you will make end up with 30 PAGES for photos, and most importantly: journaling!!

For $55, you choose your theme between the two choices. You will get to work with the lovely new Desinger Series Papers, and the co-ordinating stamp set. Your lovely work will then go into either the blue herringbone 6"x6" album, or the old olive polka dot 6"x6" album.

I have designed this class to be super easy and fun for any level of scrapbook, just as long as you can count your inches and work a stamp pad!

Can't make the class?? If you would like this album, but cannot attend any of the classes, you can buy the scrapbook premade from me for $65, please contact me personally.

Important Information to know:
This will be a RSVP class ONLY. Be sure to respond with payment before July 12, 9 AM. This is very very important for many reasons:1. my scrapbook classes fill up very fast, 2.The Old Olive Polka Dot 6"x6" is already SOLD OUT and replenishment starts on July 12th. 3.Because there are so many pages to the class, I need to know exactly how much paper I need to cut (thats right for all you newbies that have yet to attend one of my classes, I do all the hard labour like cutting the main pieces all for you!)

I hope to see you for this exciting class :)
+and yes! feel free to bring pictures! if there is still time you can start adhering your vaca pictures